Call for Writers

Hello there, my dwindling readership (or perhaps “dormant” while I appear to have taken a break from my pattern of consistent and quality ATP coverage and analysis).

I will continue to write, of course. I have a lot to say with regards to 2017 Fedal, especially with the worldwide tennis orgasm of the newly christened Laver Cup with its seemingly scripted results and optics — this Fedal theme of 2017 is almost a parody of itself. My God. If the anti-Fedal contingent was upset before the Laver Cup, this disturbed bunch of tennis fans might’ve already jumped, or taken that final sip of their fatal anti-Fedal intoxicant.

I am putting-out this call for writers because A) I’m a little tired of churning-out world class commentary at my present clip and B) I want to build this Mcshow Blog community with what I know includes interesting tennis and cultural insights that are humorous, shrewd, insightful, but more importantly diverse and new.

All you have to do is email me (mcshow@gmail dot com) and provide a proposal on what you want to write. I think I’ve given you some ideas of what I might expect and “green light” for this blog. Should be interesting, thoughtful, perhaps humorous or even grimly prophetic. If I don’t like your idea, I’ll tell you — perhaps offer a suggestion, etc. If I like your idea, I’ll say “go” and then we’ll take it from there.

Again, I’ll write. But I want to get this invitation off to any of you out there who wants to chime-in with some interesting tennis (and other) discourse.

I made the reference earlier in this post to writing topics that are non-tennis (“cultural insights”). Along with expanding the writing “staff,” I would also like to expand the scope of Mcshow Blog. I changed the title of this blog a while ago (from Mcshow Tennis to Mcshow Blog). That was deliberate with this sort of move in mind.

I suppose you could use the comments for proposals, as well; but we will need to communicate via email if a project is moving forward. Have at it, ladies and gentlemen.

And yes, again, I will say a thing or two about the tennis even though it looks like Federer has already thrown-in the towel on chasing #1, his chances of course dependent upon his health and tournament availability. Nadal would need a bit of a drop-off. Anything is possible, of course: 2017 Fedal is a testament to that.

2 thoughts on “Call for Writers

  1. Caligula

    Call for writers, how about calling for a demigod’s assistance?!

    As you well may know esteemed Matt Maximus, the tennis gods smile on me, and they shall smile on this blog for a long time to come. I will send forth my best homing pigeons to carry forth my epicenes in written form to you, and it will be done with utmost haste, I assure you.
    Some current working titles:

    A. How I mercilessly crushed the Novakian Slowakians beneath by feet.
    B. Roman Nights of passion and hairy… yellow balls.
    C. Disciplinary measures to strengthen Novak’s allergic reaction to gluten
    D. A taxonomic evolutionary study of Fedalus Rex, the apex predator of his time and the tears it produced in its victims.
    E. Bagels and breadsticks, Lord Caligula’s secret cooking recipes.
    F. When I win the court speeds are fine, but when my favourite player slumps then my sanity is decline. (A riveting poem about a delusional fangirl by yours truly)


    1. Matt

      Abundicus genius, Caligula. Why nothing explicitly for your muse, Rafa, or is “B” such an homage to the Spanish beast?

      Mcshow Maximus grows long in the tooth; send reinforcements, my friend.


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