How Roger Federer Ruined Tennis


I wrote the initial drafts of HRFRT back in the summer of 2016, in a series of articles or essays published on this blog. Each of those essays is available here on this page although one can still find them archived by months/years in the general archives of this blog from the home page.

As I said, I will be revising and enhancing this argument and publishing it as an ebook.  I want all to have a copy of this ground-breaking perspective on this golden era of tennis and its main characters (or villains). 😀

So, again, I decided to organize each article here on this page to make them easier to access, and to highlight this signature discourse that hopefully helps continue to make Mcshow Blog a popular destination for thoughtful and passionate tennis fans.

Thanks again and always for visiting, reading and commenting. This blog is nothing without you.

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How Roger Federer Ruined Tennis: Introduction

HRFRT: Tour Structure and Numbers

HRFRT: Federera

HRFRT: Roger Created a Monster (or Two)


Federer is Ruining Tennis (follow-up commentary from 2017)

Federer is From a Different Era (more from 2017)

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Of course, I didn’t actually finish this argument/narrative, leaving the second monster Federer created yet to be explained (Djokovic); there are other points and pieces of this discourse, as well, that need introduction and clarification. This has been a blessing in disguise, really, since so much has happened with regards to the Big 3 since its initial inception back in 2016.

Either way, I will finish this book, by going back and revising, developing and refining this argument into a much more thoughtful and convincing analysis. Any comments are always welcomed. This is all argument, perspective and, in the end, conversation.
